

I love walking by the water or in any natural, park-like setting...
to enjoy the sunshine, hear the birdsong, and clear the mind.   

Walking for exercise in winter, however,
 especially in New England, can be a challenge.

It's not always the cold or wind,
 we know how to deal with the lower temperatures.

But even with the warmest of layers

a wind chill in the single numbers or below
 makes it counterproductive, health-wise.

Snowy sidewalks can make a walk outdoors
 anything but aerobic,

 and where sidewalks are non-existent,
the roads narrow dangerously.

Most of the "walking" paths do not get cleared...

and the shortened hours of light
 make it dangerous for those working during the day.

So when a gym or "the mall" are not options,
 here's another alternative.

Check out the many offerings of  
"in house power walking"
that can be found on the internet.

Cindy, this tiara's for you.
 Notice how it's design duplicates the wind blown hair of a fast moving walker.

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