
Family Visit

We recently all got together at my son's home north of Atlanta.  The 8 grandchildren certainly enjoyed each others company and there were tears of sadness when it came time to fly back home.
We enjoyed late nights of storytelling, pizza and ice cream, fun with Dance4, hours of dress-up play, daily "bananas" word games, time on the trampoline, hide 'n go seek marathons,
 and even a trip to do some rock climbing.

5 out of the 8 cousins have birthdays in February
so we celebrated them altogether

 and after the candles were all blown out
 (and 5 separate renditions of Happy Birthday sung),
  they each got to decorate their own t-shirt with fabric markers.
 Lots of originality and artistic talent in this bunch.

modeling their super one-of-a-kind designs

Unfortunately while we were there watching together, our Patriots lost the AFC Championship game to the better playing  Baltimore Ravens. But even that disappointing display
 could not dampen our joy of sharing with family.
It's never enough time

~making wonderful memories~

how I'd decorate mine

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