

A child sings before it speaks,
dances almost before it walks,
music is with us from the beginning.
~ Pamela Brown

       It started the first moment I held her in my arms...
we connected through music and movement.
I'd sing any song..... it didn't have to be a lullaby, for any gentle melody conveyed my message of love.  The swaying motion of my walk or the rocking motion in a chair were our special moments together.

           When she was a toddler we'd dance together to all those lively verses.
She enjoyed all music and dance, her small feet moving to the rhythm.  We'd hear her singing while playing with toys...and she'd ask for the same music over and over..
                     never tiring as she choreographed her own
                   Dancing with Paka, she knew all the steps...
                  Of course, she needed the proper clothes

                               and dolls added to the role.                                   

Before long, every step was a dance move

Every opportunity to dance was taken,                              
                                   and the world was her stage...

although most performances were for a home audience.


Little hands whirling a sparkler gracefully through the night air.. 

                                     would translate well..
                                           when, finally

  The positions would be learned...
along with a new language,
and hair would be tamed in the traditional way.
Anyone could be a partner when she wanted to..

 Soon every move is willowy and lithesome...

She learns to love the barre,
and the extension it allows.
She once thought it was for swinging....
now it's all about strengthening and balance.
Even at home, she moves on tip toes,
oops....pardonne moi

Classes get longer,
and harder.
She continues to practice,
as each pose requires concentration,
and precision.
She remembers the small stretches,
and now pushes the limits.
She knows the dancer's motto of....

Performances are always special
there's applause..
and her name is written in a Program
and shyly, she accepts the congratulatory rose.

Now she dreams of dancing en pointe.

For that is what true Prima Ballerinas do.

Now we all know

 ”In a dancer, there is a reverence for such forgotten things
as the miracle of the small beautiful bones
and their delicate strength.” 
                                                - Martha Graham

It may take some time to get it right,

and, it's a little scarey.

But new beginnings usually are...

and she won't be alone. 

It's a great leap to take...
and might be in her future.

I know she'll always dance.......
that's just her way,

of course it may not always be BALLET...

But whatever shoes she wears,
and whatever path she follows,
          she'll have grace, discipline, and poise
Dancing faces you towards Heaven, whichever direction you turn!  ~Terri Guillemets

Happy Birthday Celine *** 4/26

This story was inspired by my granddaughters,
 Avery, Brielle, Celine, and Danae, 
You  bring amazing joy to my life,
I love you
“To dance is to be yourself.
Larger, more beautiful, more powerful.
This is power on earth and it is yours for the taking.
                                                                Agnes De Mil

Here's a tiara fit for an aspiring ballerina


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