
Why tiaras?

launched December 2011

The tiara part is symbolic.  I believe every woman should wear her invisible tiara at all times.  As a very positive person, I don't allow "maybes" or "what ifs" to stick around in my head.  I find it's much better to concentrate on what's real and what I can control.   I do, however, believe in the happily ever after of fairy tales, magic in nature, and imagination to renew our spirit.  Years bring wisdom but we need to nurture our sense of wonder.  Nevertheless, tiaras will pop up everywhere across my blog...I love them!

Hope you enjoy the pages of our travels and excursions.  I'll be posting more from other vacations and hopefully adding destinations in the future.

Adventures with the grandchildren will be many and varied as there are 8 very individual personalities in the group.  They'll each have their special page here, as they do in my heart.

Gardening is a fun hobby for me but I'd never profess to be any kind of an expert.  Successes as well as my many failures and disappointments deserve time here.  I do mention my favorite and what I've found to be most reliable commercial sites but have no monetary connection with any of them. 

I love to read and carry a book everywhere I go...there's always time to read a few pages.  I really don't like writing reviews but since I sometimes count on others' perspectives when choosing a book I feel I should give an occasional opinion back.  Feel free to offer suggestions of books you've enjoyed, especially those obscure ones that didn't make it to the "best sellers" lists but you truly enjoyed.  Searching out used book sales is a fun past time.  They replenish my own "to be read" pile and help keep the grandkids supplied with lots of great reading material from Nana.

You'll see the occasional recipe here, but it'll be mostly the tried and true things I enjoy eating and serving to those I love.  (The fewer the ingredients, the better)

Through the years I've morphed into preferring a more traditional approach to decorating.  My last big redo was re-purposing the first floor rooms, but in the past I've taken on stripping and refinishing furniture, sewing projects using all kinds of textiles, and creating primitive folk-art crafts.  I've experimented with bright and dark wall colors, hung (and scraped off) many rolls of wallpaper, and had my share of yard sale "finds".   I like sharing beautiful items and clever ideas I come across.

Comments are always welcome.

Have a wonderful day !
