
Christmas Around the World Unit:
We'll be making the two hour drive to my daughter's home early tomorrow morning, bringing presents, homemade cookies, biscotti, and lots of good cheer.   Looking forward to wonderful family time and sharing in the children's infectious excitement on Christmas eve and morning. Will probably spend an hour or two reading  "with" and "to" my granddaughters - there's always a basket of holiday themed books on the hearth to select from.  We'll take a walk in the neighborhood, singing carols while enjoying the festive decorations.  Later, everyone will enjoy an array of good food and make yuletide toasts with fine wine and hot chocolate.   The stockings will be hung and the girls will put out cookies/milk for Santa along with tasty treats for the reindeer.
Red Wine Hot Chocolate! The perfect treat for chilly nights made with only 3 ingredients!

Ivy Clad: Christmas Sheet Music:

Then we'll follow NORAD's Santa tracking before bed!

my misty morning

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! #Christmas:

                            Yes, it really is....

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