


~ Neve Cielle ~
(definition from Wikipedia)
Neve:(rhymes with Bev) a young, granular type of snow which has been partially melted, refrozen and compacted, yet precedes the form of ice
How appropriately named is my youngest granddaughter, an embryo held frozen for two years before given a warm, nurturing place to grow inside her Mom.  While we know her to be mostly funny and delightfully charming, she's also infinitely inquisitive, extremely perceptive... and very the ripe old age of five!  She's physical enough to excel at gymnastics yet loves to play the sweet, shy princess wearing tiara and tulle.  She has the strength and determination to drag the heaviest things up a flight of stairs but doesn't hesitate to cuddle up close, hold hands, and give spontaneous squeezing hugs.  Loveable and sweet, she is.


Nevie-ism (n) any candid remark, phrasing, or observation made by Nevie .
                             a few short examples

I was making lunch for Ella one day who had asked for "sliced turkey with Miracle Whip."
Neve calls out from the other room, "Nana, I want turkey with American whip, too."

Being retired, Jud shares a lot of time with his pre-school granddaughter....
During Neve's first ride in his new Kia Sorrento, he activates the bluetooth and verbally instructs it to "call Ashley".  Neve listens intently as a female voice out of nowhere answers the command, asks "home or mobile" and connects.  After the conversation is completed, Neve says from her seat in the back,  "Paka, I want you to keep that lady."
Non-Patriot fans be warned.....
At home, Neve's been known to interrupt conversation with  "There's no talking Giants football in Mommy's house."  

Neve after watching a video advertising Disney World and continually asking to go there, is not satisfied with Paka's "someday" answer.  "Pleeease Paka, I want to go there - now....I've been to Disney World zero times!"

(she finally got there Oct, 2012)

While waiting to get into the haunted mansion, I feign a wide-eyed hesitant look as howls emanate from inside.
Neve spreads her arms wide and reassures me in her most serious voice, "It's okay Nana, it's all make believe....really."

Neve's observance of minute details comes to light in many ways.  Sometimes we just don't know where the questions come from...

One day she asks out of the blue,  "Paka, why do you always wear those shoes?"

"How do you know I always wear these shoes?"

Neve:  "Because of these things here"  as she flicks the tassel on his loafer.

And the only answer is...."Because I like them and they're comfortable." 

 About a month later......

Neve, while watching Jud use his electric shaver.  "Paka, what are you doing that for?"

"Because the hair on my chin can get scruffy and not feel good so I shave it off."
Neve, looking at his mustache, "How come you don't shave over your lips?"
"Because I don't want to."
Neve: "Paka, I want you to."
"But then you wouldn't recognize me."
Neve:  "I'd recognize you by your hair."
"What if I combed my hair a different way, then you wouldn't recognize me."
Neve after giving this some thought,  "Paka then I'd recognize you by your shoes."

Jud notices it's started snowing outside and says in a questioning voice, "Neve... what's outside?".
Neve looks out the window, runs back to Paka and playfully whispers in his ear, "Paka, it's butterflies!"
"Neve, look again,  I don't think it's butterflies."
She looks, runs back to him smiling and whispers louder..."It's bees!"
After both are quiet for several seconds, she asks quietly....
"Paka, do bees sting you if you don't try to catch them?"

Independent Neve gets a smallish paper cup (2 oz) from the bathroom and holds it under  the ice dispenser at the front of the fridge.  (she loves to chew ice chips)
As Jud hears the pieces hit the floor and skid across the tile he asks,  "What are you doing?"
Neve gives him a matter of fact look and in deadpan humor holds the tiny cup out to him stating what has suddenly become obvious...... "too small"

 Neve loves snacking on berries and asks for some to eat.  As Jud heads to the fridge she makes a suggestion,
"Paka, if you give me just a little, I'll have to ask you to get me more....but if you give me a lot, I won't."
Jud  fills a pyrex custard cup to the brim with blackberries and hands it to her.
Neve takes it, tilts her head and remarks: "Paka, this is a very small dish.... so after, I'll have to ask you for more."

love and kisses  ~   make a wish
 is the day she wears HER tiara

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