

It's a Blizzard!

My grandchildren in Atlanta watch me walk around my yard pointing out the 2 - 4 foot snowdrifts (via an Ipad ).
   They ask me to jump into those same snow mounds with voices calling out
  "you are so lucky" and "it's not fair ".
 (Celine front and center at the computer monitor
 looks like she's clapping).
Maybe I should have shocked them and actually thrown myself into would have provided some vicarious enjoyment and fits of giggles, I'm sure."  Brielle, (hand to cheek standing at the back of the pack) wistfully wished for the technology to transport instantly up into this northern snow-filled landscape.

A few years ago, we had a snowstorm during your visit and you had lots of fun creating this guy.

Today was a warm, springlike day in their Georgia...

 Here, in southern New England
it was a cold, wintery white morning!

Below is what greeted us from the back and front doors....
Snow piled high against                                 Opening the garage door
the door to the back deck.                                    Yes, a 4 foot drift!

So where's the street?
 and now I know why they'll be no mail delivery today !

thank goodness the gas powered snow blower started up

The scene facing the outer back yard beyond the pool fence.
~perennials will stay sleeping snugly under this blanket~
The driving ban lifts at 4pm this afternoon, but I think we'll be staying warm and cozy inside.

Neve and Ella (my 2 "northern" granddaughters)
 enjoy the 2+ feet of snow in their yard this morning

Blizzard Brownies
(we needed some comfort food today)
*use your favorite boxed brownie mix,
 mix and cook as directed 
 use foil-lined 9x13 pan,

~Microwave  1/2 cup honey with 1 cup smooth peanut butter...
 mix well and spread over the cooled brownies.

~Place in refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

~Melt some chocolate with 2 Tbsp unsalted butter
 and 1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa
(I used 2 oz of a large Hershey's special dark chocolate bar and Hershey's unsweetened cocoa baking powder)
  I did this in the microwave - 40 seconds on high).

   ~Stir this up quickly
 and spread over the cooled peanut butter honey mixture.
~Return to fridge and cool for 20 minutes before cutting.

Enjoyed with a hot cup of decaf!
tiara worthy of an epic blizzard

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