
Memorial Day Week-end

We visited a traditional New England town fair this weekend where they closed off Main St mid morning so the "block party" could take place.  There were artisans of jewelry, pottery, woodcarving, folk art, and textiles.  Music filled the air, children reconnected with the simple games and toys of yesteryear, and comfort food was readily available.  Artists set up their easels and painted, talking with people passing by.  Under the used book tent I filled my bag with summer reading and scored a wonderful biography, Champlain's Dream by David Hackett Fischer for $2.  Published in 2009, it's 848 pages document what is known of this visionary explorer's life.  My interest stems from the fact that I have ancestors who sailed with him to settle Canada in the early 1600s.  It'll be one of those books I read slowly, absorbing a few chapters at a time while enjoying less intense prose in between.

made the visit to place geraniums on loved ones' graves and remembered how much we miss them

     back home, planted annuals that will grow to spill over their window box homes

Here are how the flower boxes look now (July)
Butterflies love the scaveola     

checked on the vegetable plants in our row of home made
"earth boxes"     (from youtube how-to#1&#2)

opened the pool for the season

       We drove to Newport Saturday afternoon.  An early breakfast at home and no lunch had us thinking food so on the drive back we stopped in at The North End Pizzeria on East Main Rd in Portsmouth, RI.   We enjoyed a delicious pizza mid afternoon with plenty left over to box up and bring home.
  Our first time at this little "mostly takeout" restaurant, and the first time we've ordered a Philly cheesesteak pizza.
"Great choice," said our waitress, and she was definitely right !  

This recipe from "Taste of Home" sounds the closest to what we ate.

Will definitely try to replicate this one at home


               listened to some of the Red Sox game my daughter attended with friends
(Red Sox over Detroit 7-4)

Dug through my book bag from the fair and pulled out a novel
published in 2007.  Read some on the porch enjoying the background music of song birds 

A Rather Lovely Inheritance by C.A. Belmond
Young historical researcher working in southern France finds out she's an heiress, courtesy of
an eccentric great aunt.  Of course, there's problems with the will, family secrets, double lives, a long-lost relative, a chance at love, and the adventure of traipsing through Europe.
   Only read a few chapters but it's just my kind of
 summer fluff escapism.
  Unfortunately, I also found out it's the first in a series of 3 !
update:  Hooray!
 just found A Rather Curious Engagement by C.A.Belmond
which continues the story!
Will be like visiting old friends after a year apart!
This is why we should all recycle/share books
via our local used book sales :)

       Caught up with family and friends for a few hours of conversation and laughs at night


Hope you, too, enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend

Here's a "Poppy Bridal tiara"

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