

Happy New Year 2018

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and the silence of the stars.
Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic.
It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part
of the lives we live."
(from the book Charmed by Nora Roberts)

May we all recognize and embrace our magical moments
throughout the new year,

the lost Fringe Tiara of Princess Patricia of Connaught (March1886- January1974)
This stunning tiara first belonged to the Duchess of Kent, Queen Victoria's mother.  The Queen then gave it as a wedding present to her new dgtr-in-law  Princess Louise of Prussia on her marriage to Prince Arthur.  Their daughter, Princess Patricia, gave up her royal title to marry a commoner and was then called "Lady Patricia Ramsay".  Lady Patricia wore the tiara to the coronation of King GeorgeVI, the present Queen Elizabeth's father.  Its present whereabouts is unknown and rumor says it may have been sold to a private buyer by her son Alexander who inherited it upon her death.

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