



     Enjoyed a nature walk today.
     A bit of forest trail eventually led us to a  peaceful salt marsh by the bay.  The Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge just off Seapowet Avenue in Tiverton offers several short trails, easily navigable by all ages...
as long as attention is paid to the many tree roots underfoot.

Off we go

A winding a path led us through the woods towards the bay.
   In fall the wild life can reclaim this area as most boaters and windsurfers have packed away their gear.

Sunshine and shadows...texture and colors...
combine to create beautiful parts of nature's pallet.

 Acorns were falling out of the trees making plopping noises.
The first few startled me a bit as they hit the path. 
Squirrels  and Chipmunks will gather them up posthaste, I'm sure.

We noticed the abundant berries of this Blackthorn plum shrub.
It tolerates this salty environment and although they're not palatable off the bush, some use the berries in jellies. 

Colorful leaves carpeted the trails, and various bird calls could be heard both nearby and from off in the distance.

Here,  we cross over an area
 where the high tide will weave its way onto the marsh

A gentle breeze sways plumes of sea grass at water's edge, 
while hints of foliage preview a more glorious display to come.

The tide coming in reflected the pure blue of the sky.
  The air was only slightly cool and exercise made the light sweatshirt I wore unnecessary.

Returning to our car, we drove a short distance to Fogland Beach,
  quiet and peaceful in the off season.
 I think we'll return with a picnic lunch on another day.

We passed these happy guys on the way home

 a wonderful afternoon outdoors in mid October,
 a freebie from nature, what could be better

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