


The sun has moved north and the days lengthen, but this current winter's grip on New England seems relentless and ever strong.   I look out and see rose canes that need trimming and an arbor askew, probably due to a frost heave.   Hoping to enlarge the vegetable garden but cannot tell where the raised beds begin or end due to long waves of snow drifts.  The visiting mockingbirds and golden woodpecker have stripped the only color from the landscape as the showy contrast of bright red winter-berries and vivid purple callicarpa have been picked clean.  
March looms by calendar but mother nature is laughing at us all as next week shows promise of more snow and frigid temperatures.

Today's clear blue sky belies frigid temps and the surrounding scenery of blinding snow and massive icicles.

Below are some pictures from around town. Those living nearby will recognize (or try to) the specific locations... let me know how many you identify.

a summer slope in snowy abandonment


from side to tide

 a welcome resting place

making that center shot

these two are neighbors and friends

a cheery prospect

clouding the horizon

newest walk in town

a new moo?

a festive connection despite the cold

casting a line

Here is the church, inside are the people,
 look up to the sky,
 it's missing the steeple!

no docks in view,
just flocks that flew


Stay warm and be careful of ice,
 both under your feet and falling from above !

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