

A Halloween Letter

Their Mom calls to them come sit beside her.. to watch the large puff of clouds turn pink and purple and streaks of shimmering gold pass through and shine down on the distant shore.
The sun's dance toward the horizon holds no interest for these two, they have their own performance to finish.  They know it will soon be time to head back home.
It is day's end but there is an urgency because it is also summer's end.  Soon it will be all about school routine, cooler air, leaves changing color, and no longer will they walk along the river after sampling a new flavor of ice cream.
So, they continue jumping along the rock wall, a simple game of sisterly dares and fierce concentration, punctuated by laughter and echos of "my turn" because they know it is the last of the season. 
   Was it really just weeks ago they were as carefree
 as the warm breeze off the river?

The letter arrived the week before Hallowe'en.  That wasn't surprising.   The fact, however, that these two were accepted at their young ages was quite unusual.  The family (mostly muggles) were told they were taking a "science" class at a school some miles from home and would be away for just a few days.   Here's a copy of the letter... (written so only witches and wizards can read it). 

They studied the maps sent.  There were special markings on each train or special platform.  This was a beginners class and being held at a smaller institution... it was the Hogwart's elementary school and they had to follow the marked route exactly. 

Transportation is provided, just not in the normal way.   It comes by way of special delivery in long cylinders wrapped in plain brown paper so not to arouse the curiosity of neighbors.
  They really don't look like much do they.....but boy can these sticks dance when the right hands hold them.
  One medium and one small...
just right for these two girls to make the journey.  

You'll want to leave before nightfall.
  How will they ever find it in the dark?   Of course!
  A special full moon will light their way.

... "follow the path by the old wooden fence"... that's what the directions say... and "stay low, so you can see through the fog".

All the exciting roller coaster rides of their past prepared them well for this flight.  Like baby birds, hesitant at first, they find it's as easy as jumping on those rocks by the river....
~they know just what to do~
With a gentle wind in their faces they take turns in the lead,
 weaving in smooth waves over the fields 

Flying up and over, remember it was written,
"look for the Black Cat sitting high, for she will guide you safely"

 and suddenly as the sky darkens, there she is,
 right after they pass over the pumpkin patch...

they spy her sitting high in front of the moon, 
and know they're heading in the right direction.

That cat must surely know how scary it is to 
fly over the darkest part of the woods.
 They both shiver as they look down over the cemetery.

and then fly swiftly past the old crow that guards the entrance

from those that aren't invited but still try to get in!  

  Oh my!

Finally there,
 and it's so beautiful,
especially from the air!

They land back on the ground with a thump... right
  in front of a large door at the same time as another girl.
Nice job with the broom!

 I guess everyone is a little nervous.
 No one knows what the school will be like.

Wow, what an exciting classroom!
Looks like a spooky kitchen!

Let's begin!

 The teacher is old but very kind.
  The class is lots of fun...
 learning tricks, wizard games, and making new friends.

Will they ever tell us of their adventures?
What a wonderful story that would be.

Too soon it's over, and now it's time to leave :(
Wishing this class lasted all year!

 The school saves your broomstick for next year!
Well......that's if you're invited back.
Here's the diploma they give out
 at a special "end of the day" ceremony.

Everyone gets one last ride.
 So much fun, but so sad to leave....

Then, "walk through the mirror", they say....and
POOF...suddenly back home!!

and back to being just regular Muggles.... until next time!
but very cute muggles

sooooo.......when you're not wearing the sorting hat..

you can wear this magical wizard's tiara!

love you,

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