


We enjoyed a week with our Georgia grandchildren over the Christmas Holiday.  It included a lively late afternoon with the kids participating in a "chef wars" segment...
right in their own kitchen.
All had fun, especially as we, as judges,
 got to sample the final results!
The 6 kids (aged 6 - 12) divided into 3 groups with the younger ones acting as "helpers".  They were given key ingredients to use for one appetizer, entree, and dessert. They could also then use anything else found in the pantry, kitchen, fridge to help create their meal.
The "surprise"  ingredients  included chopped beef and cream cheese, then ground sausage, green beans, and broccoli, and finally an instant pudding mix and glazed donuts. The timer was set and the cooking/creating began!

Chefs ready to begin
TEAM  Brielle and Elliot opt to start with onion rings placed beside a seasoned cream cheese, chopped beef mix.  It was amazing to watch her slice, dip, and coat the onion, then fry them up with such proficiency.

These onion rings were judged to be perfectly crispy, golden brown, and tasted great!  Wished she had made more!
They then offered a cheesy  rotini and sausage with a green salad. Their appetizing side of crunchy peppery green beans was a favorite.

all plated up

TEAM Avery and Danae's first offering was a savory spread over a dense multi-grain toast that all noted to be perfectly oven toasted.  We all wanted more of this appetizing creation, a definite hit with all the judges!  
Wish they had measured the added spices so we could reproduce it exactly,
 it was that good!


A mishap, not their fault, had them changing course midway with their entree of a tasty "burrito" that included beans, rice, spicy salsa, and the green veggies. It was also a very colorful, appealing dish, with great texture and blended flavors.
Their amazing recovery in the face of disaster was remarkable!

Celine, totally ready to begin the challenge
TEAM Celine and Finley combined peperoncino and the chopped beef for a warmed spread over thin rounds of baguette.  It made for a mouthwatering appetizer with fiery zing.
we all reached for a glass of water after this one, but I absolutely loved the extra "bite"

 For their entree, they created a sausage vegetable casserole that was both delicious and eye appealing...  

The cheese potato side helped "balance out" the hotness of the srircha sauce  (above) 
Great combination... different foods that definitely worked together to create a nicely balanced meal.

All three desserts were scrumptious

B&E created tiered sweetness by layering the pudding with the donuts, then added various toppings of marshmallows, chocolate rounds, nuts, and banana slices for that "oomph" effect.(foreground)

C&F halved the donuts and sandwiched the pudding, adding a banana sauce for dipping and decorating the serving plates with pretty swirls of chocolate sauce.(middle 4)

A&D mixed the pudding with chopped donut pieces and topped it with tiny white marshmallows.  It was presented in a pretty glass dish with spiced apple slices on the side.  Extra credit for the artistic display  (top of pic and again below) 

What a wonderful time we had watching these young chefs work together with purpose, creativity, and skill.  They were entertaining during the process and articulate when later explaining how the ingredients were used.
All agreed it was a huge success and hope to do it again soon

Everybody wins!!!!