

A December Bedtime Story

Fairies are wonderful wee folk that help humans
 in many different ways.
  We very rarely see them but be assured
 they are amongst us,
especially during this joyous holiday season.

  Two extraordinary fairies, named Glisten and Shine,
are a sister and brother duo
 that have a very important job to do each December.

This is how they looked when they were
 young and sprightly,
  just learning all that good fairies need to know.
Now that they're older,
they have been given the whimsical challenge
  of making everyone's season more festive.
Each December they make merry, adding a dash of delight and gladness to renew our spirits.

This is 
She appears shy, but is really vivacious and creative, with a bold energy that causes the air to zap and crackle when she is near. 

No one sees Shine anymore.
  He is an agile and quick pixie, almost supersonic, and though he will enter human houses, he much prefers to produce the more celebrated outdoor changes.

   I think he just might be that twinkling light
 we sometimes see through our windows,
 darting to and fro across the yard and yonder.

His agile winged body flies so fast he
   can even write his name across the darkened sky. 
 We only get to witness the sudden flash of light and then iridescent specks of twinkling dust
 as they fall to the ground.

Be assured, Glisten and Shine work very hard
 at what they do.
They have become masters of revel and gaiety.

Their main purpose is to add lots of shimmer and glow to our normal everyday things. They do this by sprinkling a special fairy dust...
 one that turns whatever it touches into "glitter".
And they do this ONLY in December!
When I see winter icicles I know they're around.
It's the work of their magical wands
 and that wondrous fairy dust!

  They really do need exceptionally more dust than other fairies and must keep an extra supply on hand, stored in these teeny bottles. Just a smidgen more to sprinkle means the thrill of more polish and radiance.

Now just like human siblings, there is a friendly rivalry and spark of competition between these two enchanters,

Glisten will create something delighful,
 with lots of luster.
  Like when I left this white dress 
 hanging on the closet door.....
Glisten came in during the night... and poof!
it sparkled like a princess gown!

Glisten makes sure we all have lots of magnificent brilliance to wear...
especially for those gala holiday parties

...on our feet,  



and even in our hair.

She makes sweaters gleam and twinkle

and she makes tops dazzle
 showy splendor.

She would never let us carry a simple black bag.....
it must be sprinkled with glitz!

Her slightly mischievous brother is usually determined to top her creations by adding even more sparkle!
 But like I said before,
 he mostly likes to stay outside.

Shine transforms the plain brown pine cones, acorns


and ordinary tree branches
into sparkling works of art.

He occasionally throws some at the birds

or on children as they romp and play in their yards. 

Shine likes to sprinkle dust at the ocean's edge 

so we can find shimmering seashells
 to decorate our Christmas tree,

and the snow always sparkles brightest
 after he swoops over.

Glisten and Shine cooperate to make simple cupcakes
 extra special this time of year


and sprinkle their fairy dust on our cookies
 so they look as good as they taste! Yum's a secret..
Glisten is always careful with her dust,
but Shine gets carried away
 and spills a lot...

sometimes in places where it shouldn't be.

He just hasn't perfected his skill to perform in smaller surroundings,
 resulting in some amusing outrageous outcomes.

like when he tosses it on the fruit we want to eat,

and things we like to ride.

Once, he accidentally
 sprinkled some on the shower soap

and look what he did in this bathroom!
Oh my!

I think this wall switch caught some flyaway dust.

Glisten scolded Shine for this
 bit of sparkle...
...sometimes, he get's a little carried away.

This key was gold colored
 but Shine added a bit more to it
 with a clever wave of his hand

I'm sure you've noticed ...look around.
They have already begun their work.

So if you notice a bright glint between your toes

it might just be some spilled fairy dust
 you're walking on

so have some December fun
and even when they finish up at the end of the year,
That's the true message of this
 And this summer, 
if you see two toadstools side by side...

say "Thank You!", and show some hospitality..

it might just be where this elfin brother and sister
 choose to live..

..and play,
After all,
 these fairies 
 do deserve to have the rest of the year off.
Time for lights out  

 enjoy the season,
here's a gift from Glisten & Shine

Deep within the winter forest among the snowdrift wide
You can find a magic place where all the fairies hide....
~Author Unknown

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