

Coastal Living

What do we love about living near the coast?
Mostly it's the simple things

 The wonderful harbors, bustling yet peaceful,

where seafood is always fresh and plentiful,
a summer evening favorite for chowder and clam cakes
 or a delicious overstuffed lobster roll

and a short walk calms the soul.

A sky that changes it's color and shape by the hour

and where sunrise and sunset are powerful events of beauty.

There's the summer stillness of hidden inlets

and the quiet whisper of brackish coves.

The vivid contrast of fall foliage
 against the blue-gray of autumn sea and sky,

and then the quiet tranquility of early mornings in winter.

“A river seems a magic thing.    A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.”

 Nearer to the ocean, there's
"salty air and sand in our hair..."

"I have always loved the beach. The smell of the salty water, the wind in my face, the gentle roar of the waves all combine to create a sense of peace and calm."
-- Unknown


Beaches to stroll, in every season.... matter what your age.

 Scrunching our toes in sand warmed by the sun,

the adventure of digging deep, a shell for our shovel,

and the satisfying feel of cool, wet sand at water's edge.

 we watch them crest, anticipate their rhythm,
and enjoy their embrace.

 Jumping them is an art...
...learned early and practiced often...

"The sea, once it casts its spell,
 holds one in its net of wonder forever.Jacques Cousteau

The coast's natural simplicity can entertain us for hours.

Where a pebble, polished smooth by sea and sand,
 can be a most precious treasure,

and finding Hermit crabs in the shallows is a nature lesson.

Here is where we renew our sense of wonder.

“Don't grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach.” -- Michelle Held 
a pretty seashell tiara


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