

Use what you have

Use what you have is a motto I try to follow.
Our green plastic Adirondack-like chairs were looking very faded and pretty boring but otherwise still functional and comfortable.  I know you can now find them in many different colors but 2 summers ago I decided to brighten up the old ones instead of replacing them.
We purchased spray paint in different colors and went to work.  Krylon and RustOleum both offer paint in many hues that will adhere to plastic.
The first step was to give each a good cleaning with sudsy water and the hose spray.   On a windless day, we sat them on newspaper outside and started spraying.  It took 2 coats, and we've yet to see any peeling or fading  (they're out in the open all summer).


Here are two I painted and now use on the front porch....with added cushions for comfort.

I went a little crazy and also spray painted some rocks the little ones use as a stepping stone walk to show off their balance skills......

the final products
rainbow rocks?
  I need to rearrange their order!

the Arctic Queen clematis is a show stopper on the arbor 

Below, my climbing Hydrangea (anomala petiolaris) has the fence pretty well covered with it's large white clusters of blooms.  It easily covers this area of a 5 foot tall fence and has spread out about 12 feet.  It did take a while to get to this size as it's known as a "slow starter" (I planted it about 10 years ago), but it makes quite an impressive statement once it gets established.   It blooms all summer but is at it's peak through the month of June. 
A birdhouse, hidden by the dense cover of heart-shaped foliage, is home to several broods each year and a Robin will usually build her nest somewhere on the sturdy branches of this climber each spring.

Have a great week,
here's a cute tiara chair I'd love to have for the garden

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